One of the most powerful sets of classes in ActionScript 3 revolve around BitmapData and pixel manipulation.
In this tutorial we are going to look at dynamically creating a photo with torn edges by compositing several images together.
I created this tutorial using Flash Builder 4 Beta but you can easily use Flex Builder 3 or Flash CS 3/4.
You will need to download the PSD file
as well as the folder of images included in the source files package.
You should also have a basic understanding of the Bitmap, BitmapData,
and the Loader class. I will explain in each step what is going on so if
you have never used the Bitmap or BitmapData class you should be fine.
Here is an example of what we will end up with, refresh this tutorial
to see different masks:
Before we get started lets take a moment to discuss exactly what we are going to do:
Now that we have a plan, lets get started!
Step 1: Creating A Preloader
We are going to set up a simple
preloader since each image we generate is comprised of several “layers”.
Create a new project called TornImageDemo and open up the Doc Class.
Lets use the following code in the Doc Class:
package { import flash.display.Bitmap; import flash.display.Loader; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.display.StageAlign; import flash.display.StageScaleMode; import; import; import; import flash.system.LoaderContext; import flash.utils.Dictionary; [SWF( backgroundColor="#B5AA97", framerate="31" )] /** * @author Jesse Freeman aka @theFlashBum | */ public class TornImageDemo extends Sprite { private static const PHOTO : String = "photo"; private static const MASK : String = "mask"; private static const TEXTURE : String = "texture"; private static const EDGES_MASK : String = "edges_mask"; private static const BASE_URL : String = "images"; private var loader : Loader = new Loader( ); private var currentlyLoading : Object; private var preloadList : Array = new Array( {name:MASK, src:"photo_mask.png"}, {name:PHOTO, src:"photo.jpg"}, {name:TEXTURE, src:"photo_texture.jpg"}, {name:EDGES_MASK, src: "photo_edges_mask.png"} ); private var layers : Dictionary = new Dictionary( true ); private var context : LoaderContext; private var skinPath:String; public function TornImageDemo() { stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT; context = new LoaderContext( ); context.checkPolicyFile = true; skinPath = "/skin1/"; preload( ); } /** * Handles preloading our images. Checks to see how many are left then * calls loadNext or compositeImage. */ protected function preload() : void { if (preloadList.length == 0) { init( ); } else { loadNext( ); } } /** * Loads the next item in the prelaodList */ private function loadNext() : void { currentlyLoading = preloadList.shift( ); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, onLoad ); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener( IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onError ); loader.load( new URLRequest( BASE_URL + skinPath + currentlyLoading.src ), context ); } private function onError(event : IOErrorEvent) : void { trace("IOErrorEvent", event ); preload(); } /** * Handles onLoad, saves the BitmapData then calls preload */ private function onLoad(event : Event) : void { loader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, onLoad ); layers[] = Bitmap( ).bitmapData; currentlyLoading = null; preload( ); } private function init():void { // Need to do something here } } }
As you can see we are creating a simple
“loop” through our preload, load and onLoad methods. We have also setup
an array that contains each of our images we will preload. After setting
up the stage we call the preload method and check the length of our
preload array. If there is an item in the array we call load and begin
loading it. Once it is loaded we save it to a dictionary then recall
preload. Once preloading is done we call init and are ready to go. Lets
talk about each of the images we are going to load.
Step 2: Creating the Image Mask Template
Lets open the PSD you downloaded in the Pre-Requesists part of this tutorial.
As you can see I have set this up to
show you what our end result will look like in Flash. If you check the
layer comps you will see how each layer of the photo will need to be
Lets talk about what each layer does:
We will need to save out these layers
and put them in our project. The Mask and Edge Mask should be PNG-24s
and the Texture can be a JPEG. The images zip (you should have
downloaded in the pre-requesites section) has an images folder that
contains all of our outputted images for this template along with 2
others so we can randomize the mask we apply to the image. Here are
some screen I took when creating this template showing you my file
This is the photo mask as a PNG-24.
Our final image is the edges mask. This
is similar to our photo mask and should be a PNG-24. Once you unzip the
images file, move it into your bin-debug folder or wherever you compile
your final SWF. As you can see I have broken up each folder into skinX
and in each set is a photo_mask.png, photo_edges_mask.png,a photo.jpg
and photo_texture.jpg.
Step 3: Applying the layers
At this point we have hardcoded our
class to load in mask skin1. Do a quick build and check your browser
connections to make sure the photo, mask, edges mask and texture are
correctly loading.
Sometimes you have to play around with
the local security settings of the Flash Player to enable local file
access to the images. Likewise it is important to have full security
access to these images when running this from a server them since we
will be manipulating their BitmapData. Making sure you have a cross
domain file is key when deploying these types of projects. Now that
everything is loading lets add the following method:
/** * Composite image */ private function compositeImage() : void { // Create Bitmap data for final image var bmd : BitmapData = new BitmapData( layers[PHOTO].width, layers[PHOTO].height, true, 0xffffff ); // Get width and height for cutting out image var rect : Rectangle = new Rectangle( 0, 0, layers[PHOTO].width, layers[PHOTO].height ); var pt : Point = new Point( 0, 0 ); // This is our container while we apply the texture var imageComposite : BitmapData = new BitmapData( layers[PHOTO].width, layers[PHOTO].height, true, 0xffffff ); // Copy pixel data from the photo over to the container using the layers[MASK] to cut out the shape imageComposite.copyPixels( layers[PHOTO], rect, pt, layers[MASK], null, true ); if(layers[TEXTURE]) { // Draw on top of container with the texture and apply Darken + Multiply blend modes imageComposite.draw( layers[TEXTURE], null, null, BlendMode.MULTIPLY, null, true ); imageComposite.draw( layers[TEXTURE], null, null, BlendMode.MULTIPLY, null, true ); imageComposite.draw( layers[TEXTURE], null, null, BlendMode.MULTIPLY, null, false ); } if(layers[EDGES_MASK]) { // Copy the edges on top of the the entire composited image imageComposite.copyPixels( layers[TEXTURE], rect, pt, layers[EDGES_MASK], null, true ); } // Copy over the composite image to the BitmapData using the mask to cut out it's shape bmd.copyPixels( imageComposite, rect, pt, layers[MASK], null, true ); // Create Bitamp to test display and add to stage var finalImage : Bitmap = new Bitmap( bmd ); addChild( finalImage ); finalImage.x = 50; finalImage.y = 50; }
You will also need to import the following classes:
import flash.display.BitmapData; import flash.display.BlendMode; import flash.geom.Point; import flash.geom.Rectangle;
Finally add the following method call to our init method:
Now if you do a compile you should see the following image:
Lets talk about what is going on under
the hood of compositeImage. As you can see we are pulling each image out
from the dictionary, and either copying out or drawing over the
BitmapData if our main photo. Lets go over a few of the main actions
going on here: First we need to set a temporary bitmap to store our
composite image in.
// This is our container while we apply the texture var imageComposite : BitmapData = new BitmapData( layers[PHOTO].width, layers[PHOTO].height, true, 0xffffff );
Next we will copy over the photo’s
Bitmap Data using the photo_mask.png as an alpha mask. As I mentioned
earlier this acts just like a mask and insures that the BitmapData we
copy over has transparent edges.
// Copy pixel data from the photo over to the container using the layers[MASK] to cut out the shape imageComposite.copyPixels( layers[PHOTO], rect, pt, layers[MASK], null, true );
Once we have a foundation of our photo
we can apply the texture. Here we multiply the texture 3 times to our
image to create a little depth and fill in the wrinkles of the photo.
if(layers[TEXTURE]) { // Draw on top of container with the texture and apply Darken + Multiply blend modes imageComposite.draw( layers[TEXTURE], null, null, BlendMode.MULTIPLY, null, true ); imageComposite.draw( layers[TEXTURE], null, null, BlendMode.MULTIPLY, null, true ); imageComposite.draw( layers[TEXTURE], null, null, BlendMode.MULTIPLY, null, false ); }
Finally we can create our edges by applying an alpha mask to the texture image and using copyPixels to back on top of our
if(layers[EDGES_MASK]) { // Copy the edges on top of the the entire composited image imageComposite.copyPixels( layers[TEXTURE], rect, pt, layers[EDGES_MASK], null, true ); }
Now with the compositing done we can
copy over the imageComposite BitmapData to a clean BitmapData instance
using the alpha mask one last time to clean up any transparency we want
to preserve.
// Copy over the composite image to the BitmapData using the mask to cut out it's shape bmd.copyPixels( imageComposite, rect, pt, layers[MASK], null, true ); // Create Bitamp to test display and add to stage var finalImage : Bitmap = new Bitmap( bmd ); addChild( finalImage );
All done, see how easy this is. Of
course I am sure this can be optimized even further but for the purposes
of this quick example the effect works perfectly.
Step 4: Randomize
Since we know we have 6 sets of skins
(in our images folder) it is really easy to randomize how our photo gets
rendered. Simply replace the following line in our TornImageDemo
skinPath = "/skin1";with the following: skinPath = "/skin"+Math.round(Math.random()*5+1)+"/";
Now when you recompile and hit refresh a random number is added to our skin folder.
As you have seen, using Alpha Masks when
copying pixel data is an incredibly easy technique to use. To give you
an idea of how much file size this technique saves us let take a quick
look at how big a PNG-24 from PhotoShop would be.
The above image from PhotoShop came out to 478k
This image was dynamically created from the following images:
As you can see, even though we have
loaded up 4 times as many images as the PhotoShop PNG, we have actually
saved 374k. Also we can now apply this effect to any number of images on
the fly verses creating a transparent PNG each time by hand. I hope
you enjoyed this simple tutorial and I would love to see how you use it
in your next project. Feel free to leave a comment with a link to what
you have done.
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Tagged under: Photoshop
Create Random Torn Photos with Actionscript 3.0
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