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Monday, 27 February 2012

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[Boot Animation Roundup Part 5] Come See The Amazing Gingergut Man

Welcome back to another lovely edition of our Boot Animation Roundup! We've been scouring the net for the past couple of weeks looking for the coolest boot animations that we could find, and here's what we came up with: a hungry Android, the guts of a Gingerbread man, a new take on a classic, some TRON-esque lovin', and a little somethin' somethin' for all the gamers out there.
Don’t know how to change your boot animation? Take a look at our primer on the matter.
Don’t forget to take a look at the last four editions of this roundup: Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3, and Vol. 4.
Alright, with that out of the way, let's get started!


This is a super clean boot animation with a very TRON-like vibe to it. The scan lines at the end are an especially nice touch, but if you're not feeling them, there is also a version without. Check them out, and hit the source link for download.

Gingerbread Anatomy

If I were to describe this in one word, it would probably be... guts. Or creepy. Either way, this anatomically incorrect bootscreen is completely full of win.

Android vs. iPhone

It fills me with great joy to see our little green mascot punt the competition across the room... and then eat it, of course. Now you can experience this same joyous feeling each time you reboot your phone!

Android Revamped

Remember the original Android boot animation? Well it's undergone some cosmetic surgery, and the result is pretty incredible. Have a looksee:
DroidRevamped DroidRevamed-Red

Half-Life 2

Closing out the show today is one for the gamers. It's all about Half-Life 2, baby. Enjoy.


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