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Thursday 20 September 2012

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Gmail in personal search results

Gmail in personal search results

Get early access to Gmail in personal search results by joining this field trial. Once you've joined, you'll be able to find relevant email and information from Gmail when you search on Google.

Email relevant to your search

Find relevant Gmail messages and shared links in your search results.

Contacts and their recent email

Search for contacts you've emailed with recently and see their messages.

Enhanced flight tracking feature

Get updated information and statuses for your flights.

A few things about this field trial
This trial is only accessible on https://www.google.com in English and for @gmail.com addresses (not available on Google Apps accounts). Due to limited capacity and initial setup, you will receive an email confirmation from Google when your account is ready, but note that we may not be able to activate the experiment for everyone.

You can come to this page at any point to leave the trial.


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