A rootkit is a type of software that is designed to gain administrator-level control over a computer system without being detected. In virtually all cases, the purpose and motive is to perform malicious operations on a target host computing system at a later date without the knowledge of the administrators or users of that system. Rootkits can be installed in hardware or software targeting the BIOS, hypervisor, boot loader, kernel or less commonly, libraries or applications.Let me share 5 special root kit hunter programs for your windows system to protect you from such infections in future.
Blacklight from F-Secure
Panda Anti-Rootkit Scanner
Panda Research team have developed this great tool to protect every user from root kit infection. One of the effective and massively downloaded tool in internet is panda anti-rootkit scanner.
- It is Capable of deactivating unknown rootkits
- Deletes registry keys transparently
- Cleaner interface
RootKit Hook Analyzer
RootKit Hook Analyzer is a security tool
which will check if there are any rootkits installed on your computer
which hook the kernel system services. Kernel RootKit Hooks are
installed modules which intercept the principal system services that all
programs and the operating system rely on. If any of these system
services are intercepted and modified it means that there is a
possibility that the safety of your system is at risk and that spyware,
viruses or malware are active.
Rootkit Revealer v1.71
RootkitRevealer is an advanced rootkit
detection utility. It runs on Windows NT 4 and higher and its output
lists Registry and file system API discrepancies that may indicate the
presence of a user-mode or kernel-mode rootkit. RootkitRevealer
successfully detects many persistent rootkits including AFX, Vanquish
and HackerDefender (note: RootkitRevealer is not intended to detect
rootkits like Fu that don’t attempt to hide their files or registry
Sophos Rootkit Scanner
Not a dedicated root kit scanner. But
still the freeware version of Prevx performs a deep scan to hunt the
rootkits in the sytem MBR. Prevx 3.0 users with cleanup or protection
installed have access to their own private MyPrevx console. The console
lets you review details of any infections that were detected on your
Root Repeal (Root kit detector)
RootRepeal is currently in public
beta. Whereas every effort has been made to ensure compatibility with
every system configuration on Windows 2000, XP, 2003 and Vista, it
cannot be guaranteed. There is always some risk when scanning for
rootkits. Before running RootRepeal, please make sure you have
backups of all important data and have saved all open documents.
All of the above softwares have minimum system requirements set to function properly.
- Microsoft® Windows 2008 Server; Windows Vista®; Windows XP
Professional or Home Edition; Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4; Windows
2003 Server
Note: Only x86 versions of Windows are supported. - 128MB of RAM.
- 600KB of hard-drive space.
Some of them do work in Windows 7
systems. Do let us know any other best root kit scanners or removers you
have come across to add it in the list. Experience your secure and
performance rich computing ever.
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