The official app for one of the most popular and trusted tech news websites on the internet,,
has made its grand entrance into the Android Market a few days ago. The
app's layout is clean and easy to navigate, thanks to the crafty hands
of Treemo Labs' Ian Clifton who CNET/CBS hired to develop the project.
The in-article menu can also be used to share the article using any number of applications you have installed, or you can favorite the app for later reading.

The CNET Experience
The CNET News app has a whole lot of great features that you would expect from such a popular website as well as a few really cool features you probably weren't expecting. Let's take a closer look, shall we?Interface
The interface of CNET News is very simple and easy to read. All of the elements look clean and are well placed on the screen. You have your pick of all the categories CNET has to offer (I spend most of my time in the "Crave" section, myself. *drool*). There's a lot of information there but it isn't daunting at all. The app just plain looks good.Reading The News
When you tap on the article you want to read, it opens the article in the frame with the images and text neatly formatted for your screen. If you want to change the text size for easier reading or less scrolling, you can do that!The in-article menu can also be used to share the article using any number of applications you have installed, or you can favorite the app for later reading.
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