This tutorial explains how to use Photoshop layer styles and Filters to create a nice marble text effect.
Create the text using the color #b0ac97. The font used is Wrexham
Script and the size is 377px. Duplicate the text layer to create two
copies, and change the Fill value of the copy layer to 0.
- Drop Shadow: Change the color to #585858, the Distance to 6 and the Size to 10.
- Inner Shadow: Change the color to #908c78, the Size to 13, and the Contour to Half Round.
- Inner Glow: Change the Blend Mode to Linear Light, the color to #afafac, the Technique to Precise, and the Size to 10.
- Bevel and Emboss: Change the Depth to 300, the Size to 12, the Soften to 3, and the Shadow Mode color to #6e6b5e.
This is what the text should look like:
This is what you will get.
Press the Ctrl/Command key, and click on a text layer thumbnail (icon) to create a selection.
Set the Foreground color to #a77d31, and the Background color to
#fff8de. Fill the selection with the Foreground color on texture layer.
Press Ctrl/Command + D to get rid of the selection.
Go to Filter > Sketch > Chalk and Charcoal. Change the Charcoal
Area to 7, the Chalk area to 10, and the Stroke Pressure to 1.
Go to Filter > Artistic > Plastic Wrap. Change the Highlight Strength to 17, the Detail to 14, and the Smoothness to 5.
Finally, go to Filter > Artistic > Film Grain. Change the Grain to 10, the Highlight Area to 15, and the Intensity to 10.
Go to Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation, and change the Saturation value to -80.
Final Image Preview
Step 1
Fill the Background with the color #534d39. Place Marble Stone Texture Stock on top of the Background, and change its Blend Mode to Multiply.Step 2
Double click on the original text layer to apply the following styles:- Drop Shadow: Change the color to #585858, the Distance to 6 and the Size to 10.
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