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Thursday, 23 February 2012

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Learn how to create an awesome iphone Layout

Hi Guys, I’m back with another exciting tutorial. Today, we’ll create an awesome iphone layout in photoshop. And in this tutorial we are going to learn some easy useful unique techniques. Now let’s see what we need to create this layout, well we are going to use 27,000 gradient set, and realistic iphone Vectors.
You can easily download these and all other awesome stuff including the original PSD of this tutorial from our VIP member Area. If you are not a VIP member yet then you can simply register a VIP account and download our huge collection of more than 70,000 items.
Final Result:-

Step 1:-
Create a new file with 1000px width and 1000px height.

Step 2:-
Select the “Paint Bucket Tool” and color the background with # 000000.

Step 3:-
Now we’ll add a bit of noise to our background so for this click on Filter> Noise> Add noise.

Step 4:-
Now a bit of gradient for our background, so click on Layer> Layer style> Gradient Overlay. And reduce the opacity of the gradient to 35%.

Step 5:-
Select the “Rectangle Tool” and create a big rectangle in the middle. Fill it with # 2b2b2b.

Step 6:-
Now select the Rectangle Tool once again and create another rectangle. Then this time fill it with # 222222.

Step 7:-
Repeat the same process as above and create one more rectangle and fill it with # 000000.

Step 8:-
Now select the “Line Tool” and create a 1px horizontal line on the top with color # 000000. Then create another line under it with color # 767676 to get the groove effect.

Step 9:-
Simply repeat the same process and create some more groove lines and place them between the rectangles.

Step 10:-
Now create another rectangle and this time fill it with # d0c821.

Step 11:-
Now open the iphone vector pack and place the vector on the left side.

Step 12:-
Paste the iphone set few more times on the sides and reduce the opacity to 20%.

Step 13:-
Now select “Rounded Rectangle Tool” and create a small rectangle, fill it with # 000000.

Step 14:-
Now we need to add satin, so click on Layer> Layer style> Satin.

Step 15:-
Now repeat the same process and create 3 more rectangles.

Step 16:-
Now add some vectors from the iphone vector set mentioned above.

Step 17:-
Select the “Text Tool” and add text to our rectangles with # ffffff.

Step 18:-
Now add the titles with color # d0c821.

Step 19:-
Click on Custom shape option and select an arrow. Fill it with # edeb39.

Step 20:-
Now click on layer> Layer style> Bevel and emboss.

Step 21:-
Now repeat the same process and create another arrow on the right.

Step 22:-
Create some more arrows and this time reduce the opacity to 30%.

Step 23:-
Now add text using “Text Tool’ with colors # d3c421 for the title and # ffffff for the remaining.

Step 24:-
Now create a small button using “Rectangle Tool” then add text and arrow.

Step 25:-
Add iphone icons between the big arrows.

Step 26:-
Now create a rounded rectangle on the top and fill it with # 121212.

Step 27:-
Now click on Layer> Layer style> Gradient Overlay.

Step 28:-
Now add navigation text. And add lines between the text.

Step 29:-
Now add the copyright text and logo and we are done.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and learned something new. Do try it and let us know what you think. You guys can easily download the original PSD of this tutorial and many more high quality 70,000 items to spice up your designs. So simply sign up and become a VIP member.


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