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Monday, 27 February 2012

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[How-To] Root Your Motorola Droid X Running Android 2.2 Froyo

If you installed the Froyo OTA update this morning on your Droid X and lost root, fear not! The Droid 2 root method works swimmingly with the Droid X update and is a painless as painless can be.
Stephen Bird (AKA birdman), of Droid X custom ROM fame, posted this tweet not 12 hours ago:
2010-09-22 11 55 25
The link in the tweet points to this page at XDA Developers which provides a one-click root for the Droid 2. There are confirmations from Droid X users flying in from all over the Internet, so we're going to call it a win.
Instructions, current as of 09/22/2010, below:
One Click Root Version for Linux and Works for Mac,too!
Here it is:
Give it a try and see how it goes. I think it works the same way as the directions above, except you only run one script! Thank you for facelessuser for working his magic and making it all work!
Instructions for Linux and Mac
1. Extract and Update Android SDK package to your computer. The file comes in a .tar.gz file. Just open it up and drag and drop the android-sdk-linux folder to your home directory or desktop. Next, extract the files from the DORoot zip file to the tools folder of Android SDK. You should be moving 4 or 5 files into the tools folder.
2. Make sure you phone is in PC Mode with USB Debugging enabled
PC Mode: Notification blind -> USB connection -> PC Mode
USB Debugging: Settings -> Applications -> Development -> USB debugging
You need USB debugging icon showing in notifications. Try Charge Only if you can't get PC Mode to show USB debugging.
3. Navigate to the tools folder of your android-sdk
[cd /android-sdk-linux_x86/tools]
4. enter [chmod 0755 doroot.sh] then run it [./doroot.sh]
5. Let it run.
6. That's it, you are done.

One Click Root for Windows
Here's the Windows version. Facelessuser pushed this through and worked his magic. Give it a try. Very exciting stuff. I haven't used it yet, but according to him, it should work!
Download here:
Instruction for Windows:
1. Extract and Update Android SDK package to your computer. The file comes in a zip file. Just open it up and drag and drop the android-sdk-windows folder to your C drive. Next, extract the files from the DORoot zip file to the tools folder of Android SDK. You should be moving 7 or 8 files into the tools folder.
2. Install Motorola Drivers
(Tip, to stop the launching of the Verizon/Motorola site, go to the MotoConnect icon in the bottom left, right click, when phone connects, nothing.)
3. Make sure you phone is in PC Mode with USB Debugging enabled
PC Mode: Notification blind -> USB connection -> PC Mode
USB Debugging: Settings -> Applications -> Development -> USB debugging
You need USB debugging icon showing in notifications. Try Charge Only if you can't get PC Mode to show USB debugging.
4. Double-click and run doroot.bat
5. Let it run.
6. That's it, you are done.
Many thanks to facelessuser for working his magic!


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