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Tuesday, 28 February 2012

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Google Revamps Its Search Page For Tablets To Include A More Intuitive Layout With Pronounced Buttons And Links

Last month, Google made several improvements to its mobile search page for phones, and now the page designed for tablets has received a similar makeover. The updated homepage brings some subtle, yet intuitive changes to the tablet interface, including enlarged text, buttons, and other touch targets, so browsing is a much more comfortable experience.
tabletsearch tabletimagesearch
Below the search box is an updated drop-down style menu that allows users to quickly navigate between the default search, images, videos, places, shopping, and more.
The image search has also been update to incorporate larger thumbnails, faster loading, and continuous scroll.
The updated page is rolling out to all users over the next several days, so head over to Google on your tablet and have a looksee.


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