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Monday, 27 February 2012

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Completely Revamped Speedtest.net 2.0 Android App Now In The Market, Finally Catches Up To Its iOS Counterpart

When it comes to testing bandwidth throughput of your Android device, the Speedtest.net app is considered a de facto standard - it's functional, the UI is gorgeous, and there is a good chance they have a server pretty close to your location. I've tried all the speed testing programs in the Market, and always kept coming back to this one. For a long time the app has remained unchanged on the Market, lagging behind its iOS counterpart and its shiny new user interface. Well, no more.
Ookla, the company behind the Speedtest.net app, just dropped version 2.0 into the Market, and I can tell you that their final product is simply gorgeous (especially if you've never seen the iOS version). The UI is completely revamped, the Thunderbolt upload bug seems to be fixed (I tested using my loaner Thunderbolt, and it no longer reported 30mbps+ speeds), the server selection process no longer puts me somewhere in Kansas, and the whole experience is a lot more polished. Older devices will benefit from the new animation quality vs. performance slider in the settings, while newer, larger devices will enjoy more native support for high resolution screens.
Check out the changelog and our screenshots below, followed by a link to the app's Market page:
  1. Completely revamped user interface:
  2. Takes advantage of higher resolution screens
  3. Animation speed slider added to settings to support older hardware
  4. Real-time graphs for download and upload tests:
  5. See throughput consistency over test duration
  6. Identify drops in connection quality
  7. Other improvements:
  8. Better server selection process
  9. Many bug fixes
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