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Monday, 27 February 2012

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[Bootscreen Animation Roundup Part 3] Five Times The Pleasure, Five Times The Fun

Welcome to the third iteration of our super-awesome bootscreen animation roundup. It's been about six weeks since our last one, so it's definitely about time for another go. I'm sure at this point no introduction is needed, so let's get right into the screens.
If you're not sure how to change your boot animation, take a look at our primer.
You can find even more boot animation goodness in the first two editions of this roundup, here and here.

Android Vs. Apple

First up on the list is an animation that really needs little description - it's Andy destroying the Apple logo by way of ingestion. A quick Google search proves that there are many different animations with the same idea in mind, but this one is so well done and so clean, there's no way that we couldn't feature it. Take a look, and hit the source link for download.
Android vs Apple Portrait preview

Android and Galaxy S Pulsar

This is a pair of super clean animations that bring a certain "intensity" to your boot up process. They're unique, in-your-face, and all around awesome.
bootanimation2khz bootanimation6jbl


Are you a Futurama fan that can't get enough Hypnotoad? This is the boot animation for you! Now you can hypnotized every time you restart your phone. Can you ask for anything more?

Call of Android

Clearly a playoff of Call of Duty, this is a boot animation with a retro, old-film vibe to it. This one is very, very well made; in fact, I think I may just have to set it as my bootscreen as soon as I'm done writing this article.

Dancing Troll

I can't think of a single person that doesn't at least appreciate the troll face. There is one way to make it better, of course: make it dance (because everything is better when it dances). It's worth noting the while the preview for this one is black on a white background, the actual animation is inverted, so it's white on a black background.
Emi0l 000011


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