If you have ever tried to do tech support for someone on the go,
needed to remotely see how exactly somebody did something on their
computer, or found it necessary to view another person's screen from
your smartphone for some other reason, you're already well aware of the
frustration that arises from not having your computer handy. Fortunately
for you, you've got an Android phone, and I've got the perfect tool for
Join.me, a sweet program designed by those crazy screen-sharing, remote-controlling, virtual LAN-creating programaholics at LogMeIn, allows you to either share your computer screen or view people sharing their screens from anywhere. Much like LogMeIn's other products, Join.me is super simple and squeaky clean in execution. Its premise is simple: the presenter downloads a disposable .EXE file, runs it, and shares the session number with all the people who need to see his (or her, ladies) screen. It is the quickest and easiest method of accomplishing this task that I've seen so far.
Here's how it's done:
To broadcast your screen or have someone set up their computer so you can view it, go to http://Join.me. Click share. It will download a small .EXE program that you then must run.
Join.me, a sweet program designed by those crazy screen-sharing, remote-controlling, virtual LAN-creating programaholics at LogMeIn, allows you to either share your computer screen or view people sharing their screens from anywhere. Much like LogMeIn's other products, Join.me is super simple and squeaky clean in execution. Its premise is simple: the presenter downloads a disposable .EXE file, runs it, and shares the session number with all the people who need to see his (or her, ladies) screen. It is the quickest and easiest method of accomplishing this task that I've seen so far.
Here's how it's done:
To broadcast your screen or have someone set up their computer so you can view it, go to http://Join.me. Click share. It will download a small .EXE program that you then must run.
After you've run said application, you will display a little box up top that gives you a session number.
can choose to either email this address or copy it to your clipboard.
Then, on a computer, someone can visit that address and view or control
your computer right in the browser. This is already awesome, and we
haven't even gotten to the Android part yet.
Now here's where Android comes in. Get the Join.me viewer from the Market. After it's installed, run it and you should get this screen:
Obtain the session number from the person you want to stalk screen conference with and type it in there. You're in.
while you can't control the computer from your phone, you can still
carry out some pretty awesome things here. For example, you can watch obsessively over every move the other makes, judging them at every possible opportunity
you can view other participants, chat with them, initiate a conference
call, or just kick back and see what they are showing you.
the computer side of things, you can relinquish control of your
computer to another viewer who is using a computer, pause the screen,
chat, or just end the screencast. When the conference is over, it will
notify the other users involved.
app as a whole is very smooth and enjoyable to use. While the movements
on the screen aren't completely fluid, you can definitely tell what's
going on. The ability to control the screen would have been a nice
addition, but there are other options, if that's your intention.
This is one of the few screen sharing systems that is dead simple for
both the viewer and the sharer. If you view other people's screens a lot
or need to have others view your monitor, this is far and away the
easiest method. Aside from the functionality being simple and smooth,
the app just looks pretty, which is refreshing in a program of this
nature. The little desktop widget is non-intrusive and, better yet, can
be moved. Pinch zooming on the phone is flawless and buttery smooth.
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