This tutorial will show you how to access your phone’s storage for
transfers to and fro over your local WiFi network. We will install FTP
(File Transfer Protocol) server software on the phone then mount it as a
network drive on a Windows PC. Your phone and PC must be connected to
the same network.
Your phone is now ready for connection to your computer.
A window will now pop up prompting you to select a drive letter and a folder. Ignore this and click the link near the bottom for a Web drive.
1. Install SwiFTP
can be downloaded freely from the market. It is a small application
which allows your phone to act as an FTP server. It can also allow you
to access your phone from a remote network via a proxy, but that will
not be covered in this tutorial. As it states in the market description,
any client (such as FileZilla or Cyberduck) can be used, but this tutorial will be using functionality built right into Windows.
2. Setting up SwiFTP
After installation, open SwiFTP. Tap the Setup button, which will bring you to the screen above. Fill in the empty fields with the details you would like to use to connect to your phone from the computer. The port number can be left as the default 2121.3. Starting Server
Now return to the main screen and hit Start. A string of numbers in the form ftp://192.168.X.Y:Z/ will appear next to the Wifi URL label. This is the address of your phone on the local network, followed by the port that the FTP server has open for connections.Your phone is now ready for connection to your computer.
4. Map Network Drive
Open up My Computer and click Map network drive.5. Connect to Web site
A window will now pop up prompting you to select a drive letter and a folder. Ignore this and click the link near the bottom for a Web drive.
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