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Friday, 24 February 2012

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In today’s tutorial, we will combine basic colours, shapes and brushes to create eye catching kaleidoscope poster in Photoshop CS5. Layered PSD file included. Let’s get started! Final Image Preview How to create abstract kaleidoscope poster in Photoshop CS5 Inspired from Psychedelic Crystalls by Filipp Ryabchikov. Start working by creating a new document (Ctrl+N) in Adobe Photoshop CS5 with the size 1920px by 1200px (RGB color mode) at a resolution of 72 pixels/inch. Use the Paint Bucket Tool (G) to fill with black color the new background layer. How to create abstract kaleidoscope poster in Photoshop CS5 Now we shall create an kaleidoscope pattern by selecting firstly the Rectangle Tool (U) and represent a square of white color. Then choose the Free Transform (Ctrl+T) command to turn the element over on 90 degrees. How to create abstract kaleidoscope poster in Photoshop CS5 Set Fill to 0% for this layer and click on Add a layer style icon from bottom part of the Layers panel and select Drop Shadow. How to create abstract kaleidoscope poster in Photoshop CS5 Add Inner Shadow: How to create abstract kaleidoscope poster in Photoshop CS5 We’ve got the next result: How to create abstract kaleidoscope poster in Photoshop CS5 Insert the mask on the layer by choosing Add layer mask on the bottom part of the Layers panel and choose the Soft Round brush of black color. How to create abstract kaleidoscope poster in Photoshop CS5 Paint in the mask using this brush to hide the layer edges the same way as on the picture. How to create abstract kaleidoscope poster in Photoshop CS5 Set Opacity to 30% for this layer in Layers panel. How to create abstract kaleidoscope poster in Photoshop CS5 We’ve got the next result: How to create abstract kaleidoscope poster in Photoshop CS5 Make a copy of the last made layer and select the Free Transform (Ctrl+T) command to place the copy as on the next picture it is shown: How to create abstract kaleidoscope poster in Photoshop CS5 Make another copy of the rhombus’s layer and select the Free Transform (Ctrl+T) command to place the copy as on the picture it is demonstrated. Set Opacity to 100% for this layer and change the Fill to 19% in Layers panel. Remove also the Drop Shadow style. How to create abstract kaleidoscope poster in Photoshop CS5 Make a copy of the earlier made rhombus’s layer and put it above all the layers using the Free Transform (Ctrl+T) command. Set Opacity to 100% for this layer and change the Fill to 54% in Layers panel. How to create abstract kaleidoscope poster in Photoshop CS5 Combine in a group all the earlier made kaleidoscope elements (press CTRL button to select the necessary layers and hold on the left mouse’s button while dragging the selected layers on Create a new group icon from bottom part of the Layers panel). Select the group in Layers panel and press Ctrl+E to Merge Down into a single layer all group layers. Make copies of the rasterized layer, placing the copies in a line. How to create abstract kaleidoscope poster in Photoshop CS5 We’ll compose the next row, but this time with a little displacement. How to create abstract kaleidoscope poster in Photoshop CS5 We’ve got the next result: How to create abstract kaleidoscope poster in Photoshop CS5 This way we have to fill with the kaleidoscope elements the entire canvas. How to create abstract kaleidoscope poster in Photoshop CS5 Combine in a group all the layers containing the kaleidoscope pattern (press CTRL button to select the necessary layers and hold on the left mouse’s button while dragging the selected layers on Create a new group icon from bottom part of the Layers panel). Insert the mask on the layer by choosing Add layer mask on the bottom part of the Layers panel and choose the Soft Round brush of black color (set Opacity to 30% in Options bar). How to create abstract kaleidoscope poster in Photoshop CS5 Paint in the mask using this brush to hide the canvas edges. How to create abstract kaleidoscope poster in Photoshop CS5

Hi guys, I’m back with a new tutorial. Today, we’ll create an awesome grunge portfolio layout in Photoshop. We are going to learn how to use different textures and gradients to get an amazing rustic effect. Now let’s see what we need to create this layout.  We’ll use the wood texture set, 27,000 gradient set, Grunge scuffed vector icon set, and Grunge texture set.
You can easily download all these, and the original PSD of this tutorial from our VIP member area. Simply register for a VIP account and download our huge 70,000 amazing items collection.
Final result:-

Step 1:-
First open your Photoshop and create a new file. Click on, File> New. Keep the width 1000px and height 1000px as well.

Step 2:-
Now open the “Wood Texture Set” mentioned above. And choose the one with darker shade. And paste it to our background.

Step 3:-
Then create a new layer, for that click on Layer> New> Layer. And fill it with # 000f13.

Now reduce the opacity to 65%.

Step 4:-
Now select “Rectangle Tool” and create a small rectangle on the upper left corner.

Step 5:-
Then click on Layer> Layer style> Gradient Overlay.  And add some orange gradient to our rectangle.

Step 6:-
Once again select the “Rectangle Tool” And create a very small rectangle. Fill it with # 000f13. Then click on Edit> Free Transform. And make it slightly tilted.

Now click on layer> Layer Style> Stroke. Keep the setting save as below.

Click on “Bevel and Emboss”.

Now add “Drop shadow” With blending mode changed to “Multiply”.

Lastly, add some “Outer glow” with color # 727272.

Step 7:-
Now select “Line Tool” and create 2 small lines with color # adadad.

Then add some outer glow with color # c96002.

Now you need to create a new layer and then select “Hard Round brush” with 7 px size and color # 000000. Use it on the lower ends of our lines.  Then add outer glow to these with color # ffffbe.

Step 8:-
Now add text to our button. Click on “Text Tool” and Add page name with color # ff8d27 and # 48b2cc.

Step 9:-
Now we need to repeat the same process and create some more buttons.

Step 10:-
Now click on “Rectangle Tool” and create a rectangle and fill it with # 000000, then create another rectangle in the middle and fill it with # 161d1f. Then reduce the opacity of the middle on to 60%. Now use the grunge set mentioned above on the edges.

Step 11:-
Now add the feature image and then click on Layer> Layer Style> Stroke. And add stroke with color # 515151.

Step 12:-
Select the “Text Tool” and add feature text using # d88437 for heading and # d9d9d8 for details.

Step 13:-
Now select the “Pen Tool” and create a small arrow, then fill it with # f89725. Now click on “Hard round Brush” and create rough arrows on the sides with color # 525353. Then reduce the opacity of these to 75%.

Step 14:-
Now select the “Rectangle Tool” and create a big rectangle and fill it with # f8951f, then reduce the opacity to 15%.

Step 15:-
Now click on “Rounded Rectangle Tool” and create a small rectangle with color # 3d3e3e. Then reduce the opacity to 75%.

Step 16:-
Simply, repeat the same process and create two more boxes.

Step 17:-
Once again select the “Rounded Rectangle Tool” And create a small rectangle.  Now erase the edges roughly to give it a torn look. Then click on Layer> Layer style> Gradient Overlay.

Now Add “Stroke” and make sure you change the “Fill type” to “Gradient“.

Step 18:-
Repeat the same method to create three of these, one on each of our box.

Step 19:-
Now add text using “Text Tool”, headings with color # 70d4f3 and detail text with color # 00b1dc.

Step 20:-
Now add the arrows by duplicating the arrow layer. Simply right click on the layer and select “Duplicate layer”.

Step 21:-
Now add some Grunge texture at the bottom.

Step 22:-
Once again select the Text using “Text Tool” with colors # d68337 and # e2e2e2. Now let’s create some bullets for that use “Hard round Brush” with 20px size and color # 686868. Now reduce the size and change the color to # f78b1e and use it in the middle.

Step 23:-
Now add the social icon on the right side from the Social icon set mentioned above.

Step 24:-
Last but not the least; let’s add the copyright text at the bottom using # a2a2a2 color, and our logo on the upper right corner.

And finally we are done. Our Super Grunge portfolio design is absolutely ready. Let’s have a look at our final result:-

I hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial and learned something new. Do try it and let us know what you think. You guys can easily download the original PSD of this tutorial and many more high quality 70,000 items to spice up your designs. So simply sign up and become a VIP member.


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