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Friday, 24 February 2012

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How to create a vintage Photoshop file

Hello, my name is Anca and this is the first tutorial here on PSD-Files.com. In this tutorial I will show you how to create a vintage website layout. The tutorial is quite simple and can be followed by anyone who have Photoshop installed on their machine.
Besides the tutorials, on this website I will share with you the best photoshop files (.psd files) available on the internet. All files from PSD-Files.com that I will share with you are free to use, either for a personal projects or commercial one. All you have to do is to check the license on the download page.
To create this tutorial I have used the following resources:
-Free Vintage Photoshop File (free to download)
My final result:
Vintage Photoshop Template
Let’s start the tutorial:

Step 1

Open Photoshop, create a new document (Ctrl +N) and use the following dimensions 1020 by 1460.
Set the foreground color to #bcb49d, then select Paint Bucket Tool and click one time on your document to change the color, then go to Filter>Texture>Grain. Here use the following settings:

Step 2

Select Rectangle Tool and create this shape on top. As a color I have used #61544a

With Pen Tool create this black shape:

Then go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur and apply a Gaussian blur with a radius of about 6.5px. Proceed in the same way for the right side. You should have something like this now:

Step 3

Select Rectangle Tool and create this shape. For my shape I have used this color: #e5d2ac

Next with Pen Tool I will create this shapes:

Step 4

I will select Rectangle Tool and I will create this shape and I will apply this layer styles:

Because this is a shape (a vector object) to apply the next step I will have to rasterize this shape first. To do that, locate the shape on your layer palette, right click on it and choose Rasterize Layer

Once the layer is rasterized, select Eraser Tool, with a brush of 7px and start erasing each corner of the shape.

We are doing this because we need to create a vintage style for our navigation. After you finish this, with type tool add the links for the navigation bar. Here is my result:

Step 5

On this step we will create featured area. With Rectangle Tool I will create this shape. Color used #e6e0d4:

I will select Ellipse Tool and I will create this black shape

And I will apply a Gaussian Blur (Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur) of about 4px. My result:

With Type Tool I will add some text:

On the right side I will select Pen Tool and I will create this shape.

I will go to Filter>Texture>Grain and I will use this settings:

My result:

Next from Vintage Photoshop (PSD) File I will select business man and I will add it on my document. All you have to do is to open the vintage Photoshop file and to drag and drop the business man on your document. Here is my result:

This  area is finished now. Let’s head up to create the logo.

Step 6

First I will select Ellipse Tool and I will create this circle. As a color I have used #8d7d5d

Next I will use again Ellipse Tool but this time I will create a orange circle, smaller then the first one:

Having Ellipse Tool still selected I will create a white ellipse on the top of the 2 circles.

Once you have created this one, apply a Gaussian Blur for it (Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur) with a radius of 20px. Set the blending mode to Overlay.
My result:

Next on the top of all this circles I would like to make a circle with dashes. You can easily do this on Illustrator, but Photoshop does not have a special tool to create it, that’s why we will have to improvise. First select Brush Tool (B), then open the brush palette. You can do that by pressing F5 on your keyboard or from Window>Brush. Once you have done this, apply the following settings to your brush palette:

Now select Ellipse Tool, but this time make sure that you select paths, instead of shape layers (please see the screenshots)

Once you have done this, Pres Ctrl+Shift +Alt+N to create a new layer the  you can create another circle. As you can see this one is not filled. Right Click on it and choose Stroke Path. A window will pop-up, select Brush, hit OK,

then push Delete on your keyboard. You should have something like this now:

Next with Type Tool I will write: Pfolio (font used Bauhaus 93) and I will apply this layer styles:

My result:

The logo is finished, let’s move to the content area now…

Step 7

I will select Line Tool and I will create this 2 lines, then with Type Tool I will write “Latest News From Blog” using Neues Bauen font. I have applied the following layer styles for the phrase “Latest News from the blog”:

Next, on the line from the left side of the text, I will add a Layer Mask (directly from Layer Panel), I will select Gradient Tool, I will make sure that the default palette is selected (black & white) and I will draw a line from left to the right.
My result
I will proceed in the same way for the line on the right.
Here is my result:
Next with Pen Tool I will create this 2 triangles
Then I will apply a Gaussian blur (Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur) of about 10 px. My result:

On the top of this 2 triangle, I will select Rectangle Tool  I will create a shape and I will apply the following layer styles:

Then using a stock image I will add it over my shape. Here is my result:
I will select Rectangle Tool and I will create this shape. On the Layer Palette I will right clock on it’s layer and I will choose Rasterize Layer, then I will select Lasso Tool and I will make a selection on the left and on the right side of the shape. I will hit delete on my keyboard and I will proceed in the same way on the right side, then I will lower the opacity and I will apply this layer styles:

My result
In the same way I will create 5 new thumbnails

Step 8

With Rectangle Tool I will create this shape:
With Pen Tool I will create this shapes:
With Type Tool I will add the text
Here is my result:
And my final result:
Vintage Photoshop Template

The tutorial is finished now. Stay tuned because more tutorials will come pretty soon! In the meanwhile you can download some other cool psd resources from our website PSD-Files.com


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