I have never tried creating a piece of fractal artwork. This is my
first attempt and I am sharing my steps with everyone. I hope my steps
are easy enough to give a headstart to those who needs to do up a
similar effect for their projects.
Preview of Final Image
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Create a new document of A4 size with 300dpi resolution. Fill the background with black color.
Create a new layer and rename it as Marking. Using the Pencil tool
with 1 px and white color, draw a vertical line. You can hold down the
SHIFT key when drawing to ensure a straight line is drawn. Once you are
done, go to Edit > Free Transform. On the Transform Panel, set the
Rotate to 10 degrees.
Duplicate the Markings layer and flip it horizontally. Place the two
slanted lines together so their bottom meets each other to form a V
You may draw your own or download some vector shapes and place it in between the two slanted lines. I downloaded mine from
Give some colors to your shape. It can be anything of your preferences.
Repeat the same procedures for more vector shapes. Lay them vertically as shown below.
Merge all the shapes as a single layer. Press ALT + CTRL + T and it
will launch a set of control points, similar to the ones seen for Free
Transform. Set the scale to 90% and Rotate to 20 degrees. Position it
the way I did below. Hit ENTER when done.
Press ALT + CTRL + SHIFT + T. You can start to see your earlier
transformation was actually recorded, and you can repeat the same effect
with good accuracy. Keep doing until you form a nice curl of shapes.
Merge all the shapes as a single layer. Duplicate and rotate it to fill in other spaces of the document.
Repeat the same step till you fill up the entire document.
Merge all the shape layers again. Duplicate it and reduce its size.
Set the Opacity of the lower copy to 40%. Go to Filter > Blur >
Lens Blur. Set the Radius to 15px.
Create a new layer above the shapes and rename it as Glow. Using the
Paint Brush with white color and size 200px, paint a few white dots
around the document as shown below.
Set the Blend Mode of Glow layer to Overlay and you are done! Hope
you find this tutorial useful for your upcoming project. Cheers!
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