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Saturday, 25 February 2012

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Get The New ICS Font Roboto On Your Android Device Right Now

Today's Ice Cream Sandwich announcement yielded a number of exciting enhancements, but not quite as distinctive as the new font Roboto. Indeed during the keynote, the presenter spent an inordinate amount of time expounding the virtues of this font. Roboto is a sans-serif font with characters that have a pleasing roundness, and are spaced evenly, making e-mails, clocks, and menus easy on the eyes, and, in the words of one presenter, "a pleasure to read".
Unfortunately, as the font comes with the new OS, the majority of Android users will not be able to experience Roboto until their devices are upgraded to Android 4.0. But, fear not as an enterprising Redditor by the name of richworks has provided a simple tutorial on how to get the font for your current Android device.
Simply do the following to enjoy some Roboto goodness on your Android phone:
Warning: Android Police disclaim all liability for any harm that may befall your device, including, but not limited to bricked phones, voided manufacturer warranties, exploding batteries, etc. As always, proceed at your own risk.
  1. Download and install the app Font Changer from the market (requires your device to be rooted)
  2. Download the zip file containing the Roboto font and unzip it (XDA Forum link, Mediafire)
  3. Open System > Fonts and copy all the three .ttf files from the unzipped folder and paste them into your phone's SDcard (inside the folder ".fontchanger")
  4. Open the app in your device and select the font
  5. Reboot


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